✨Hello Everyone!!✨

Nice to meet you! My name is Arya Park and I'm from Marietta, Georgia. I was actually born in Daegu, South Korea, but I've been living in the States for most of my life so I've been pretty Americanized haha😅. At Notre Dame, I'm staying with my fellow Babes🐷 in Breen Phillip's Hall and am planning on majoring in Neuroscience and Behavior on the Pre-med track. My dream is to become a renowned Neurosurgeon at a huge hospital in Korea one day.
I'd like to say that I have many interests: from drawing to singing to even embroidery, I try to pick up as many hobbies as I can. However, my main ones are drawing, reading, singing, dancing, playing video-games, and exercising. I am also a HUGE Tolkien nerd (ask me about The Silmarillion plEASE) and I love learning about biology. 
Japanese Culture and Entertainment (Anime, Manga, Video-games, Music, Fashion, FOOD) is also another big interest of mine. I grew up eating Tonkatsu, Udon, and Zaru Soba, listening and singing along to Yuki no Hana on the first snow of winter, and playing Mario and Zelda on my Wii and 3DS. More recently, I got into Anime and Manga through popular series like Fullmetal Alchemist:Brotherhood and Kaguya-sama: Love Is War, and discovered Japanese Fashion through social media sites like YouTube. 
Of course, my interest for Japan played a major part in my decision learn the Japanese language, but I was actually also influenced by my want to go back to East Asia in the future. As I said, I want to become a surgeon in South Korea, and since Japan is so close, I thought it would be beneficial to learn the language in the likely chance that I come across a Japanese patient. Plus, it'd be nice to go explore Japan by myself without needing a tour-guide/translator everywhere I go.
Anyways, I think I've rambled long enough about myself so I'll cut my intro off here😅. Overall, I'm really excited for progression of this semester! Learning Japanese with my sensei's and classmates has been an absolute blast so far, and I'm sure it's only going to get better from here! 

Well, I think I've said everything on my mind so this is it for now! 

See you later,

じゃあね! (Jaa ne) ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ


  1. omg I LOVE Tolkien!! I reread the Lord of the Rings every summer!!

  2. はじめまして!
    glad that someone else has red the Silmarillion! one of the best world-building books I have ever read. Also your blog scheme is pretty sweet, although I have no idea how you got it this way.
    Hope to get to know you during the semester

  3. Learning Japanese in part to become a better neurosurgeon is a very unique reason, and one that I can really respect. I hope your enjoy your experience learning the language, and I wish you the best of luck with all the courses you'll have to take along your premed track!

  4. I love Mario and Zelda! It's so cool that you're taking Japanese to help with neurosurgery. Also, people keep recommending FMA brotherhood to me. Do you think it's bingeable?

    1. Personally speaking, I binged Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood in 2-3 days, and they were the best days of my life. I love the anime so much.

  5. This is such a cute blog! As you already know, i also love anime, and I grew up with Nintendo. I really admire your career aspiration. You are going to be an amazing neurosurgeon in Korea, and your Japanese patients will be speechless at your future fluent Japanese ;)


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