"Fight Together" -- Namie Amuro
"Fight Together" is the 14th opening of One Piece and is featured for the episodes 493-516. These particular episodes were especially important to me as they marked the beginning of my walk through the 5 stages of grief after what happened in 483 during the Marineford arc... And together with the visuals and meaning, this song quickly made its way up to my number 1 favorite One Piece opening thus far.
The song at its core is about remembering that we are never truly alone; that no matter how far away our friends may be, or how dark the road ahead of us seems, those bonds we formed will not disappear. It's chiefly a song about hope, about moving forward, and about cherishing the memories we have made with the people closest to us; a message fitting perfectly with the painful feelings of isolation and loss brought upon by the tragedies that took place at Sabaody and Marineford.
During these few episodes, the main character, Luffy, Suffers through what possibly is and will be for the rest of his life, the darkest moments he has ever faced. From watching helplessly as each of his friends were forcibly taken from him, to the very spoiler-y events that happened in episode 483, for over 20 episodes, Luffy is in a state of shock as he tries to comprehend what had just happened; what it all would mean. It is at this time of hopelessness and sorrow that this opening begins to play, and right away, as the story transitions to a flashback, it is so obvious what the narrative tries to convey. And honestly, that spark of hope, of which this opening conveys so perfectly, is what absolutely got me bawling my eyes out.
There are many phrases that I recognized in this song, of which hold special places in my heart:
- 「さあはじめよう!新しい世界(せかい)が呼んでいる」
- "Lets start! (Volitional form) The new world is calling!")
- 「また会えるから」
- "So we can meet again"
- 「忘れないで We fight together!」
- "Don't forget, We fight together!"
There are also many words, phrases and grammar that I did not recognize, but with repetition (thru streaming the song nonstop), I became more familiar with the new terms. Some of my favorites were:
- 「いくつの海 隔てていたとしても」
- "No matter how many seas separate us"
- 隔てる(へだてる)= To separate/to isolate
- 「信じてるんだ いつかひとつに繋がる未来を 一緒にみつけに行こう」
- ”I do believe、 One day we'll go find together、The future that connects us”
- 信じる(しんじる)= To have faith in
- 繋がる(つながる)= To be tied together/connected to
- 見つける = To discover/find
おもしろそうだね!私は時々アニメがわかるげと、アニメを見るのが好きな友だちは よく "one piece is the best"と言うから、今も見たい!