
Ive known about this song for a long time; ever since I watched Violet Evergarden for the first time 3 years ago. The anime was one of the most beautiful pieces of media to ever come out in recent years, and this song at the end of the series solidified the show as truly masterful in my heart. I remember crying while listening to it for the first time---in tandem with the story and the animation, "Letter" took all my feelings and absolutely just crushed them. I rediscovered this song recently, due to my roommate, who absolutely loves the show. For this entire week and the last, I've been practicing singing the song every day for 30 mins in my dorm's chapel!
As a lover of ballads, this song is honestly everything I could have ever wished for. The emotion and passion of the singer can be heard with just that first word, and it has been a blast trying to recreate that same feeling in my own way. Singing in the dorm chapel has been a magical experience as well! The way the sound reverberates throughout the space is addicting to listen to, and with every day, I feel as if I've been improving both my vocal skills and my confidence as I continue to sing this song. "Letter" has also inspired me to try vocal folds at other Japanese songs I'd been too shy to sing, and I can definitely feel myself getting more comfortable with speaking Japanese as I do this (I really recommend this strategy! Its helped me a lot with my Japanese fluency). Maybe I'll talk about the other songs i've been learning another day!!!!
I've also been incorporating the techniques I've learned in Choir (Specifically, Magnificat Women's choir; we sing on 5:00pm mass on Saturdays every week, and 7:15 vespers every other other week!!! Come check us out, or totally join LOLOL >:) ), which has actually led me to improving my tone and my confidence with high notes alot! Although I don't have the skills required right now, I hope that one day I can go up on the podium during mass and lead songs in Vespers, so this has been helping me prepare for that future :)
As Ive been progressing with my Japanese studies, I've been able to recognize words and some phrases of this song! Like I was able to grasp the general meaning of 「そこにあなたはいないけれど」 (because/although you are not there?) due to learning about negative present tense verbs! Ive also been practicing speaking japanese by singing this song (As well as other Japanese songs) every day for 30+ minutes!


  1. 私はそのうたをきかなかった。However, I will definitely listen to it tonight and talk to you about it more when I have the chance. Thanks for giving me a new song to listen to!


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