Neon Genesis Evangelion (1-3)

This show has been one that I've been meaning to watch ever since the 9th grade... however, I never got around to actually starting it until now. In truth, I only started watching it because my roommate and I agreed to watch whatever show the other recommended. I chose Assassination classroom while she chose Eva (Asuka is her favorite character apparently). Overall, its a lot more grim than I thought it would be and I actually liked it, considering its a mecha anime (I dont like mecha that much...). I knew what the plot was going to be as Eva is a pretty famous show, but the jokes that people made led me to assume that it was a much more predictable show with a more dislikable protagonist that it actually is. Overall, I understand why Shinji was so hesitant about getting into the robot. I really doubt any 14 year old kid would step into that giant, and very valuable hunk of metal without second guessing themselves. Also the fact that, essentially, the fate of humanity is being tossed at his feet makes his situtation, and his reactions towards it, feel even more understandable.

I definitely did recognize some new words as I watched these episodes. Especially since Shinji and Misato talk about his dad so much at the beginning, I heard words like 「ちち」、「おとうさん」、and 「とうさん」 being tossed around. Also, when referring to Shinji, the other characters said words like 「おとこのこ(Son)」。I also heard alot of 〜んです forms sad by Shinji. Some examples include 「するんです」、「作るんです」、「行くんです」。

(Also Shinji's dad is def the runner up for "Worst father of the year", right behind Shou Tucker;;;;;)


  1. I've also seen this anime and I agree that Shinji isn't as bad as the jokes make him out to be...he's just a depressed teenager who doesn't want to do what adults tell him to do which is quite relatable.


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