One Piece Ep 1010 (Wanokuni)


This episode made me more emotional than I would have liked. It started off with Law (who is now one of my favorite characters, probably no.1, tied with Ace), which already gets bonus points in its favor, but then it went further to hit me with the Corazon flashbacks...  Safe to say I was very invested in the contents of this episode from its beginning (and also wiping away a few tears, cuz Law.... that boy is just PACKED with trauma ;-;). BUT THeN, the episode went further beyond by including Law and Robin interactions?!?! 2 of my most beloved characters in the series?!?! Talking about the will of D. and the mysteries of the poneglyphs?!?! Legitimately everything I love about this series, packed into like 5 mins. 

I honestly don't remember the rest of the episode too well, although it seems as if the Wano samurai got turned into poundcake under Kaido's apartment-sized metal club... I'm sure they're fine though... 

Overall, this episode was very emotion-heavy and action-packed, as we shifted from Law's perspective, to the Akazaya 9, to Zoro's. And I'm sure anybody who's watched a bit of One Piece knows that whenever Zoro's on screen, it means one of 2 things:

1). Epic fight scene

2). Zoro getting lost

Luckily, in this case, it was the former, and the Zoro fight (as always) was 10/10 very epic. 

There were a few lines of dialogue that I was able to pick up:

「だれにも分からないんだ」(Nobody knows)

コラさんから ローに:「お前らも、じゆうなんだ」(You're free)

「だれか!たすけて!たすけてくれ!」(Someone!Help me!Please help me!)

キャプテンキッド「おれたちと一緒にきたかったら。。。」(If you wanna come with us。。。)


  1. I love one piece! I also love the design of your blog, it's really cute and I like the colors. I also love Ace and Law, but my favorite One Piece character has got to be Sanji (when he's not being creepy)


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